There is increased humidity in a bathroom, therefore when choosing a light for a bathroom don’t only choose by design, but also pay attention to used material. Sheet-metal lights will corrode after some time, that is why you should avoid buying cheap lights and rather ask a shop assistant about lights made of high-quality alloys, modern glass or plastics.
Depending on a degree of danger, potentially hazardous spaces are divided into the zones for bathrooms and shower enclosures:
Zone 0
Includes inner space of the bathtub or a shower enclosure tub – an example can be underwater lighting. It is allowed to use devices and lights with a low protective voltage up to 12 Volts, which are allowed to be installed inside a bathtub. They have to be equipped with a protection degree at least IP X7.
Zone 1
It includes walls and ceiling above the bath and shower enclosure up to the height of the shower head attachment or at least 225 cm from the floor. The light must meet the degree of protection of at least IPX4, and electrical devices exposed to water spray then IPX5 (protection against gushing water). Here, it is allowed to install some electric devices (water heaters, whirlpool tubs, lights, and others).
Zone 2
Includes walls and a ceiling around zone 1 up to 3 metres from the floor and 60 cm in a horizontal axis.
The lights must be equipped with a protection degree IPX4, including all lights placed above a wash basin. For example, lights, bathroom fans, water heaters, shower waste pumps and devices for whirlpool bathtubs can be installed here.
Other space
In the remaining room space, it is possible to install 230 V power sockets with protection by automatic disconnection from the source, with the help of a circuit breaker with a rated current not exceeding 30 mA. We can install classic lights with the IP20 degree of protection.